A heated exchange developed today between Cashmere City Council member Teddy Morris and Council Chairperson Bill Flannigan over the newly instituted dress code policy for council meetings. On Tuesday, the council passed resolution 484, expressly forbidding t-shirts and shorts while in session, by a margin of 7-1, with Morris representing the lone vote against the resolution.
Defiantly donning a pair of khaki shorts and simple white t-shirt, Morris chided and lambasted the other council members for their “blatant persecution.”
“F**k them! They got horse s**t for brains," said Morris. “This isn’t about my godda**ed t-shirt. They want retribution because I signed up to bring dessert to this summer’s potluck lunch and brought a Jello. Jello is a f**king dessert! Ask anyone! It’s not my fault no one ate it. Ester brings a hot bowl of bean dip and they practically give her a key to the f**king city! And it’s not like it was just Jello…I put a whipped cream frosting on it for Christ’s sake! REAL whipped cream too! It wasn’t no f**king Cool Whip like they said…”
Asked whether Morris would face any disciplinary action for his complete disregard for the recently passed dress code resolution, Council Chairperson Bill Flannigan answered, “It’s extremely frustrating. I’m not sure what we can do. Teddy isn’t even a council member anymore. He moved to Wenatchee 5 years ago! You can’t live in Wenatchee and represent Cashmere. I can’t even remember how many times we’ve all explained that to him. Yet he shows up here every day, pretending to vote on motions, and complaining about some Jello he made in the 70’s that no one wanted to eat. I’m out of ideas.”
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