Seattle Mayoral candidate Mike McGinn responded swiftly and decisively today to recent allegations from Mallahan campaign staffers that he never learned to ride a bike.
“This is me. This is my suit. This is my bike. It has saddle bags. This is me…and my suit…on my bike...with some lovely, newly purchased tea in my saddle bags. And as you can plainly see, I am indeed able to ride it” said McGinn.
Mike McGinn is a liberal lefist jerk! He wants to spend more money than the taxpayers will ever be able to afford on light rail that this city has tried in the past, that failed to work then and is failing again now. This city could pay cab fare for every rider it will ever have between any of the existing terminals in the light rail system for 30 years with the money spent for light rail by the time we tear it all out like the previous trials. McGinn wants us to fund even more of this folly without even a blink. Go back to New York Mike, you'll fit right in.
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